School & Work...
Below are our articles on the subject of School & Work. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Helping with School and Exam Stress
Teens are suffering more than ever from stress, due to the pressures placed on them at school. How can you help when your teen is affected by stress?...

Helping Your Teen Prepare for University
There’s more to your teen going to university than just leaving home, and you can help them make the transition....

If Your Teen Wants a Saturday Job
When your teen wants a Saturday job, it’s a sign they’re growing up. But how do you help them balance their responsibilities?...

Preparing Your Teen's CV
Writing their first CVs is a task that teens need to complete on their own. However, this article discusses ways in which parents can support a teen who is writing his…...

What to do if Your Teen Can't Find a Job
It can be a difficult time for a teen who can’t find a job. What can you do to help?...

What to do When Your Teen Wants to Leave School
It’s quite common for kids to want to leave school as soon as possible. But do they really mean it – and what do you do when they say it?...

When Your Teen is Being Bullied
Bullying is a big problem. How do you tell if your teen is a victim, and what can you do about it?...