Your Teen's Health...
Below are our articles on the subject of Your Teen's Health. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Dealing with Teen Pregnancy
Hearing that your daughter, or your son’s girlfriend, is pregnant can be horrific news. What exactly can you do?...

Dental Health and Braces
Help and advice regarding dental health and braces for teenagers....

Discussing Birth Control with Your Teen
Birth control can be a tough topic for parents and teens to discuss, but it is a relevant issue regarding teen health and safety. This article offers parents…...

Discussing Menstruation with Your Teen
Discussing menstruation with your teen can be difficult for everyone involved. This article offers parents advice about such conversations, including to hold them in…...

Discussing Sex with Your Teen
Parents and teenagers alike dread discussing sex with each other. This article offers parents some advice on how to make the most about such conversations including…...

Discussing Sexuality with Your Teen
Discussing sex and sexuality with teens may not be the highlight of a parent’s life but it is something that every parent should consider. This article offers parents…...

Glasses and Contact Lenses During Teen Years
Looking at the issues surrounding teens who need glasses or contact lenses....

Guiding Your Teen Through Adolescent Health Issues
Most teens have few health problems. But if yours is one of the minority, your life can be quite traumatic. How do you help teens with health issues?...

Helping Your Teen with Depression
It’s not always easy to determine when your teen is depressed, but once you’ve identified the problem, you can find good treatment....

If Your Teenager is Feeling Suicidal
Teen suicide is tragic and often unexpected. Is there anything parents can do to help recognise and help prevent it?...

Talking about Smoking
It’s vital to talk to your teen about smoking and convince them not to start. But what if you’re a smoker?...

What to Do When Puberty Arrives
Puberty is when your babies really start to grow up and away from you. It’s a time of change and confusion for teens, but you can help....

When Your Teen Has Acne
To some degree, acne affects all teens – which doesn’t make it easier. How can you help as a parent?...