At Home With Your Teen...
Below are our articles on the subject of At Home With Your Teen. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Common Chores for Teens
Teens learn responsibility and life skills from completing household chores. This article discusses why chores are important for teens to learn responsibility as well…...

Encouraging Teens to Use Banks and Save Money
Two useful skills to teach to teens are the art of saving money and using banks. The appropriate knowledge and know how don’t necessarily come naturally, but they are…...

Encouraging Your Teenager to Talk
Teenagers often don’t want to talk much, or at least to parents. Discover how you can encourage your teenager to talk....

Facebook and Your Teen
The social networking site, Facebook, has soared in popularity in the last few years and is now used by millions of people around the world. We offer some advice and…...

Getting Your Teen to Clean His Room
It can be a daunting task getting teens to clean their rooms. But these tactics will help you achieve it....

Helping Your Teen Gain Financial Responsibility
With levels of debt rising, especially amongst young adults finishing their university studies, the more teens can learn about being financially responsible, the…...

House Rules Regarding Sleepovers
Teen sleepovers often require a set of household rules. This article discusses topics that parents should think about in relation to teen sleepovers, including invited…...

How to Make Your Teen Self-Sufficient
Teach your teen the basics of cooking, cleaning, sewing and washing their clothes will help make them self-sufficient – and give you peace of mind after they move out....

Setting Bedtimes and Curfews
Ideas and inspiration for setting teen bedtimes and curfews....

Should You Monitor Teen Internet Use?
If some teens had their way, they'd spend their entire day on the Internet. Whilst the Internet does offer a great way for them to do research for their school or…...

Single Parents and Teens
It’s tough enough for two parents to cope with a teen, but what do you do if you’re a single parent?...

Teaching Teenagers to Cook
Teaching teenagers to cook is an important part of getting them ready to live independently. This article discusses how parents can help teens learn to cook by…...

Teaching Your Teen About Money Management
If you’re prepared to let your teen loose with some money and have a go, then there are plenty of ways in which they can gain money management experience....

Teaching Your Teen About Online Safety
Advice for parents about teaching your teen online safety and the types of information that should and shouldn’t be given out....

Teaching Your Teenager Essential Skills
A look at the benefits of teaching your teenager essential skills....

What About Pocket Money?
What should you do about pocket money with your teen? These tips will help you with the tricky questions....

When Your Teen Leaves Home
When your teen finally leaves home, it’s a difficult time, but there are ways to make it easier....

When Your Teen Wants to Have a Party
There can be problems when your teen has a party. By laying down rules, however, you can help things go smoothly....