Teen Behaviour...
Below are our articles on the subject of Teen Behaviour. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Counselling with Your Teen
It may be that you feel your teen needs counselling. But how do you find a good counsellor, and what issues warrant attention?...

Dealing with Teen Moodiness
The moodiness of teens can be very frustrating to parents. Is there a cause behind and, and more importantly, what can you do about it?...

Dealing With Teens Who Run Away
Teens can go through troubled and turbulent times and it's not unusual for teens to run away from home. We take a look at how parents can deal with and help teens who…...

Disciplining Your Teen
Teens need limits, and when they exceed or flout them, they should be punished. But how do you decide what to punish – and what’s a good punishment?...

How to React to Arguments and Violence
Arguments with teens are common. But what do you do when they escalate, especially if they become violent?...

Is your Teen Addicted To The Computer?
Computers are a fact of life for today’s teens. This article discusses clues that a teen may be addicted to the computer, including the time (s)he spends on it, the…...

Pop Culture and Your Teenager
There will always be a relationship between teenagers and pop culture. This article discusses how parents can discuss pop culture with their teens, bond through pop…...

Signs of Problem Behaviour
It can be difficult sometimes to distinguish between teenage rebellion and warning signs of some deeper problems....

What to do About Teenage Rebellion
It’s a relief to know teenage rebellion is a phase, but how do you deal with it?...

What To Do if Your Teen is a Bully
Parenting often brings a number of surprises and finding out that your teen is a bully may well be one of them. This article offers parents on what to do if they…...